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Abra and Linda

I haven't been in the mood to write. I think I got too jaded with adulting and everything happening in my life that my creative outlets took a backseat. I tried a few times. Tried to write a short story about a love story set in the zombie apocalypse but I honestly don't know where that is going. So I stopped. My boss gave me a book about lifescribing and I figured I'd try it out. Perhaps fiction is not my strong suit. Maybe writing about my life is something that's easier for me to do. So here goes. The first writing prompt is to write about my family tree. When I think about my family, I always think about my grandfather and grandmother in my mom's side. My grandfather's name is Abrahan and my grandmother is named Linda. I call them Lolo daddy and Lola Mame fondly. Most of the core memories from my childhood are mostly with them, in their house in Nueva Ecija. Every summer, my lolo would demand that all his apos stay with them for the whole 2 months of summer

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